Date | Event | Description |
September or October | Year 7 Parents Social | A light-hearted gathering to welcome the new year 7 parents to the school. With dinner and games, parents have an opportunity to mingle with other parents from their son's form, as well as their form tutor. |
September or January (Date TBC) | Friends of DCGS AGM | Our Annual General Meeting provides an opportunity for all parents to come along and hear in more detail about the work of the Friends, the events we have run, the funds we have raised and how the money has been spent. The AGM is also the occasion when we elect our new officers. |
October | Quiz Night | This is a very popular evening attended by parents, teachers and a few Sixth Formers. A fun informal night to pit your wits and exercise the grey matter! |
Ongoing | Challoner’s Lottery | This is a great and low-key way to support the school. |
November | School Disco (1) | There are typically two discos each year for Years 7 and 8 (combined) which are organised in partnership with Dr Challoner’s High School (‘DCHS’). The discos are held alternately at DCGS and DCHS and are primarily for the students’ enjoyment. |
December | Christmas Fayre | A huge event with stalls, delicious food and all sorts of games and activities for all to enjoy. This is one of the highlights of the year, and money raised at the Fayre allows the Friends to make a significant contribution to the school. |