The school was inspected by Ofsted on 5-6 November 2024. The report can be viewed below
Ofsted Report 2024For more details, please visit the Ofsted website here.
Some of the highlights from the full inspection in 2024 were:
- Pupils and staff live and breathe the school’s values of ‘aspiration, kindness and resilience’.
The result is a vibrant, happy and inclusive school where academic rigour and personal
development are equally important.
- Pupils are very proud of their school. They enjoy learning and their behaviour is excellent,
both in lessons and during social time.
- The sixth-form students are impressive embodiments of the school’s values. They take on a range of responsibilities,
from supporting learning, to helping run clubs and leading pupil voice. Younger pupils
rightly look up to them as role models.
- Staff have very strong subject knowledge and benefit from high-quality professional
- Pupils...demonstrate excellent attitudes to learning, whether working individually or in groups.
- Pupils recall and connect spontaneously what they have learned, and produce work to a very high
standard, including pupils with SEND. They are extremely well prepared both for the next
phase of their learning and examination success.
- Pupils’ personal and character development is a high priority and promoted consistently
- The school is not complacent and there is a ‘restless desire to get better’. School
improvement is anchored in its values and being able to support each individual pupil to